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BOS Minutes - 3/23/04
Board of Selectmen
Library Meeting Room
March 23, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Dale Donovan.  Selectmen present included Ira Wood, Michael May and Helen Miranda Wilson.  Selectman Jerry Houk arrived at 6:43 p.m.  Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

The Board met with auditor Richard Sullivan who presented an overview of the FY’03 audit.  Mr. Sullivan reviewed the financial statements noting that the Town now must comply with the requirements of GASB 34, the trend in many municipalities toward flat revenues and increasing expenses and the Town’s healthy debt management and collection rate.  He reviewed the Report on Federal Award Programs and the Management Letter.  He noted that the Marina Enterprise Fund is working properly and commented on the use of an enterprise fund for a water system.  Chairman Donovan thanked Mr. Sullivan for his positive report and thanked the members of the Town’s financial team for all their efforts.

Mr. Sullivan left the meeting at 6:31 p.m.

The Town Administrator introduced Paul Murphy as the new Inspector of Buildings to the Board.

The Town Administrator noted the draft letter to the Community Foundation of Cape Cod in support of the NRAB’s grant application for funds to support the 2004 “State of the Harbor” conference.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously 4-0 to support and send the letter.

The meeting was recessed from 6:35 p.m. to 6:48 p.m.  Selectman Houk arrived at 6:43 p.m.

The Town Administrator outlined FY 2005 revenue estimates noting an adjustment to the levy limit due to the addition of a debt exclusion for the water system.  He recommended $120,000 in reductions to the capital budget ($70,000 for East Commercial Street drainage (already funded), $30,000 for the Town Hall septic system (more accurate estimate) and $20,000 for Town Hall carpeting), not contributing to the stabilization fund this year due to the need for an override, removing the debt exclusion questions to fund a new road grader and packer truck and dividing the override question to fund a new water tower and larger capacity pump at Coles Neck into individual questions.

The Board held a public hearing to consider the recommendation of the Herring Warden to amend the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Herring Alewives in the Town of Wellfleet.  Herring Warden Jeff Hughes was in attendance and presented his recommendations noting concern that the Town of Harwich has closed its herring fishery and the Town of Brewster has instituted new regulations similar to those he is proposing.  Wilson suggested lowering the catch limit and establishing a closing date.  Wood moved and May seconded a motion to approve the Rules  and  Regulations Pertaining to the Herring Alewives in the Town of Wellfleet as proposed
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(amend Section 9 to read “Violations of these rules and regulations are subject to a fine of $25.  Exceeding catch limit of 25 fish shall carry the penalty of $10 per fish, each fish constituting a separate offense.” and add Section 12 to read “The season for taking herring shall open on May 15, and will be closed to fishing on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday during the open session.”)  Alternative wording to Article 9 was proposed and discussed.  On the motion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Regulations Pertaining to the Herring Alewives in the Town of Wellfleet pending submission of final language.

The Board held a public hearing to consider the recommendation of the Recreation Director to amend the Recreation Department Fee Schedule.  Recreation Director Becky Rosenberg was in attendance and presented her recommendations to increase fees for use of the Skateboard Park,  for non-resident taxpayers for the Gull Pond swimming and morning recreation programs and for the morning recreation program for summer visitors.  Houk objected to higher fees for non-resident taxpayers suggesting that fees be the same for all taxpayers.  On a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted 4-1, with Houk voting against, to approve the proposed Recreation Department Fee Schedule for the 2004 summer season as proposed.

The Board held a public hearing to consider the recommendation of the Beach Administrator to amend the Beach Sticker Fee Schedule.  Beach Administrator Suzanne Thomas was in attendance and presented her recommendation to increase all sticker fees (Resident to $15, 3-Day to $30, One Week to $60, Two Week to $100, Seasonal to $250) noting that residents and non-resident taxpayers pay the same.  Wood moved and May seconded a motion to approve the Beach Sticker Fee schedule for the summer of 2004 as proposed.  Jeanne Schaeffer noted that many people consider beach fee increases to be “too much”.  On the motion, the Board voted 4-1, with Houk voting against.

The Board held a public hearing to consider amending the Wellfleet Traffic Rules and Orders Article IV, Parking, Section 4.6 Parking Prohibitions, Towing Zone, Chequessett Neck Road and the Schedule of Fines.  Beach Administrator Suzanne Thomas was in attendance and presented her recommendation noting that the recommendation to prohibit parking on Chequessett Neck Road from the “southerly side from the terminus of the road easterly to the trail access point.” is to address the issue with the Lynch property as requested by the Board.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to accept the amended Section 4.6 “Parking Prohibitions”, Towing Zone as recommended.  Ms. Thomas presented the recommendations to amend the Schedule of Fines noting that special legislation has been filed and approved to increase parking fines in Wellfleet up to $50 at the discretion of the Town.  On a motion by Wilson, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to add a separate category for “Across a Driveway” with a fine of $50 and to approve the Schedule of Fines as amended.

Announcements – Wilson announced that a talk on eels is scheduled on March 26 at 4:00 p.m. at the Audubon facility.

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The Board discussed:
·       Business Licenses – on a motion by Wood, seconded by Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the business licenses of Cove Gallery; The Dog Pound; The Dog Pound 2; Davis Gallery; Wellfleet Beachcomber; Hannah & Co.; Erin-H.
·       Approval of Seasonal Liquor Licenses – the letter from Wellfleet Wine Cellar and Spirits requesting that their license be approved to December 31, 2004 was noted.  It was noted that an annual package goods store liquor license is not currently available.  On a motion by Wood, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the seasonal liquor license renewals for Serena’s Restaurant; Rookie’s, Inc.; Gutsy Benders, Inc.; Maurice’s Campground, Inc.; V.R.’s, Inc.; Oysterman’s Grill & Market; Aesop’s Tables; Chequessett Yacht and Country Club, Inc.; Wellfleet Beachcomber; Wellfleet Flea Market; Wellfleet Dairy Bar and Grill; Christine’s Oasis; Captain Higgins.  On a motion by May, seconded by Wilson, the Board voted 3-2, with Donovan and Houk voting against, to approve the seasonal liquor license renewal for Wellfleet Wine Cellar & Spirits to December 31, 2004.
·       Policy on Policies – the Board discussed the revision of the sunset provision proposed by the Town Administrator.  Wilson suggested alternative language.  On a motion by May, seconded by Wood, the Board voted 4-1, with Wilson voting against, to approve the Policy on Policies as recommended by the Town Administrator.  May read the “Date of Next Revision” paragraph.

Correspondence – the Forum presentation on health care on the Outer Cape scheduled for March 25, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Library and the information from DEP regarding the source water and protection reports for the Drummer Boy Condominiums and Ocean Pines and Wellfleet Harbor Condominiums were noted.

Open Session:
·       Cyndi Moe addressed the Board regarding The Dog Pound and The Dog Pound 2 business licenses.  It was noted that these licenses are for beach concessions.
·       Jeanne Schaeffer asked when the next Water Commissioners meeting is scheduled.

The Town Administrator indicated that the Task Force on Ocean Management report was released today and is available in the Board’s correspondence file.

·       Houk asked the status of a beach sticker requirement for parking at the Sluiceway; the Beach Administrator noted that a hearing will be scheduled after Town Meeting.
·       Wilson a) suggested that both summer and winter addresses be used for ambulance bills, b) requested that copies of all letters requesting water system hook-up requests be placed in the Board’s file – on a motion by Wood, seconded by Wilson, the Board voted unanimously that copies of all requests for water hook-ups be placed in the Board file; c) noted an invitation to the April 1 CZM meeting at Marconi Station regarding the Herring River Project.

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Chairman Donovan asked for comments on Town Meeting articles and/or budgets.  Selectman Wood noted the need for a duly appointed Senior Tax Abatement Committee to come to the Board with proposed regulations.  The Town Administrator noted that payment would only be made for “legitimate” work, not just for a tax abatement.  Donovan suggested that the Board appoint a committee to develop a preliminary set of regulations to be prepared for Town Meeting.  On a motion by Donovan, seconded by Wood, the Board voted unanimously to appoint an ad hoc committee consisting of Nancy Vail, Terri Frazier, Peter Hall, Birgitta Olson, Shirley Lauffer and Sam Hall.  Jeanne Schaeffer suggested that the articles regarding the water tower and relocation of the Coles Neck well be placed at the beginning of the warrant.  Donovan suggested that the Pre-Town Meeting be scheduled for the week of April 19.

Wood moved and May seconded a motion to approve the minutes of March 9, 2004 as printed.  Wilson suggested an amendment.  The Board voted 4-0-1, with Houk abstaining (he had not attended the meeting), to approve the minutes of March 9, 2004 as amended.

John Makely addressed the Board regarding the upcoming goal setting meeting.

Wilson noted that Sandra Junier has applied for appointment to the Local Housing Partnership and requested that this matter be placed on the next Board agenda.

Wilson suggested that a meeting of the Water Commissioners, in conjunction with the Board of Health, be scheduled within the next couple of months.

On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously at 8:34 p.m. to adjourn.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Linda Smulligan
                                                        Administrative Assistant

Dale Donovan, Chair                      Jerry Houk                                           Ira Wood

Michael May                                  Helen Miranda Wilson